Wednesday, October 14, 2015

These are the times…” part 2

To win the fight…

“To win the fight, you’ve got to have the right strategy and the right resources, because victories don’t come by accident!” (War Room)

The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9: 22  ”To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that I may, by every possible means, save some. 23 I do it all for the sake of the Gospel…”. (ESV emphasis added) I believe we have to, as the church (the Ekklesia – the called out ones) unite and intentionally promote that which is most important- The Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must win people to Christ. While our message is just as strong our methods must adapt to the times in which we live. We used to call it when I was child…”The Good News for Modern Man”. I think it was a version of the scripture. It is, however, apropos given this modern era.  So is it not incumbent upon us to intentionally change our methods to meet the needs of our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and even the uttermost parts of the world! The Church is still relevant today!!! We are a hospital for the sick. A filling station for the empty and brokenhearted. We have the cure for sadness and anger. For God’s word tells us to “find our joy in Him at all times” (Phil. 4:6) Our members must become more engaged in ministry, because reaching our world is something that can only be done intentionally…it will not happen accidently.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

“These are the Times” (3 Part series)

You have heard it said…”these are the times that try men’s souls!” I would suggest….these are the times that try the church’s soul. I sense the church is out of touch with the mores of today’s society. While our message is true, inerrant, and trustworthy, our method of communicating said message is mostly antiquated. We lack energy and zeal and therefore the results are not what they could or should be. Like the old boxer… we seem to be flailing away at the darkness trying to land a Haymaker. I really think we need to seriously consider these three things…prayer, intentionality, and social media.

“Prayer is what opens up the floodgates for God to come down and be involved in our everyday circumstances” (Priscilla Shirer in War Room) I do not think it’s an accident that, today, one of the top movies in this country, is the Christian motion picture “War Room”. This is a film based on the biblical principle of prayer. Our society is searching for the answer to life’s most difficult questions. We know God is the answer to all of life’s questions. God’s Word compels us to speak to our Creator. To ask and believe is our command. He promises answers to those sincere prayers. For such a time as this…there is so much of who we are as a people that demands we spend time talking to God! Making our needs known. (James 4:2b) Simply put…our world needs Jesus. Prayer is one of the keys in our effort to make Him known to the world.