Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Gift of the Red Rose

Today I wish I had a red rose in my hand. Yes, I am in love. I love my wife and she deserves a room full of them. I love my daughters and they too deserve a bouquet of red roses. On and on I could go. The red rose has come to symbolize a man’s love for his sweetheart. I have sent many roses thru the years. However, today I don’t have one handy...or so I think...and as I look at my wife’s picture...I feel so in love with her. It’s not exactly what you think though.

You see I’m sitting in my office at the local coffee shop and wouldn’t you know this beloved older couple sits down right behind me. They sat so close that while I am working I can hear their conversation quite clearly. It is obvious from the start that this gentleman is desperately in love with his sweet heart. He fawns over her comfort and his great fortune just to sit beside her beauty. I know, I thought the same thing....come on man! Yet, as their conversation continued, he wanted to make sure she was comfortable, happy, and had everything she needed.

I must say it was refreshing. It was also uncomfortable because I had to admit to myself I needed to make sure that my wife understood how I feel about her. As they left, they felt the need to visit with me for no particular reason other than to be nice. He said...and I hasten to repeat this...”Young man don’t work so hard”. As I responded with “yes sir I won’t”...I had to confess to them about my listening ears and touched heart. I shared with them that I was very blessed to be in their company today and that I believed God sat them next to me.

They then shared their story how God had brought them together after they had each lost their spouses. The story continued how they dated in High School and after all these years found love again with each other. I told them God is good all the time and to me He never ceases to be good to matter our age.

Of course this reminded me of our precious Lord’s love for us...just wanting to make sure we are happy, and comfortable, and that we have everything we need. That somehow and someway, His love is everlasting and it never fails. I could quote so many verses that tell of His furious love and mercy for us. John 3:16, 10:10; 1 John 4:7; Psalm 36:7; Romans 5:8 and Ephesians 2:4-5 just to name a few. You see I had a red rose or two handy the whole while. It might do us well to read these “Red Rose” verses and remind ourselves that the steadfast love of God endures forever...and all God’s children said Amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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Monday, August 20, 2018

The Goliath Formula

There are so many wonderful stories in the Bible. Stories that, though written long ago, are still relevant today. We can find humor, grief, joy, adventure, as well as, the miraculous throughout the Word of God. Today, as we consider one such story, I want you to open your minds with me and visualize this exciting day in the life of a shepherd boy.

David was a believer in God. He never wavered from that stand even in the midst of his greatest trials. Hint...lesson one today. If there’s one thing we can learn from David is to stay faithful. He woke up on Goliath day and had no idea what lie in front of him, yet when the time came he was prepared because of his faith and trust in God.

David declared his faith in God. Hint...lesson two today. He was not afraid to speak boldly about his belief and trust in God. At every turn in this incredulous event, David spoke boldly and with confidence in Lord his God. Hint...sub lesson for today. He spoke boldly to not only the enemy of God, but also to believers who were afraid and less trustful. Sometimes we will have to face up to those closest to us when we know God is leading us.

David was confident because of his faith in God. Hint...lesson three today. Though the enemy was stronger, larger, and more battle tested that David. Yet David never once stopped moving toward him except to pick up a few stones. His mission was clear and he never wavered. Without any armor on and with only a slingshot and 5 smooth stones David approached the enemy. His mightiest weapon was unseen but clearly heard when David declared “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty....1 Samuel 17:45 Visit the story and read for yourself...what an incredible victory.

You will note as I did that with God there is no enemy who can stand against us...believe, declare, and move forward confidently and you too will be victorious in any battle you face in this life. It excites me to know we have that same power that David had through our relationship with Jesus Christ...and all God’s children said....Amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Ready For Take Off

Do you remember the old tune by John Denver; “l’m Leaving on a Jet Plane”? It was a big hit for him back in the day.

I must admit I can’t help but think about that song every time I fly. As I’m flying to New York City today. It’s an exciting trip for me as I have never been to New York City. It’s also exciting, because we will be meeting Tiffany and Jeremy and two of our precious Grands; Ava and Landon. As an avid Historian, it’s exciting, because there is so much history there. So you could say I am definitely ready for takeoff today. My expectations are high for this trip. Now of course we went online and we bought tickets. We boarded the plane and even now are in the air flying to New York.

Speaking of flying...I am reminded of another song that I love by the Christian artist Chris Tomlin entitled “Heaven”. Just read some of the descriptions he writes about Heaven in this song. 

This world is not what it was meant to be
All this pain, all this suffering
There's a better place waiting for me
In Heaven
Every tear will be wiped away
Every sorrow and sin erased
We'll dance on seas of amazing grace
In Heaven, In Heaven

As you can see there are several reasons to be excited about my trip to Heaven. You could say my expectations are very high for that trip! As before, I’m sure you will understand...I’m very very excited about Heaven because I’ve never been there before...I will indeed be reunited with family members gone on before me (like my mom). Another reason for my joy is the Biblical descriptions of Heaven and the incredible discoveries I will make while I am there.

Jesus talked about Heaven in John 14: 1-6

"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.

And you know the way to where I am going." Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

There it is...did you catch it? You wanna take the ultimate wanna go to heaven...get in the Bible, punch your ticket by choosing Jesus to be your Way, your Truth and your Life! Rest in John 3:16 for a while, learn it, accept it, believe and you will truly then be ready for takeoff! And all God’s children said, Amen

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Just Show Up...

So much of life is just showing up! A recent quote I read by Christian Artist TobyMac reads like this...”You’ll have good days, bad days, overwhelming days, too tired days, I can’t go on days. And every day, you’ll still show up, you will get through it...”

What do you think? True or false? I believe it’s true! It is my experience that life is a calculation. Rise up and make an attempt and experience life. I love the song that TobyMac sings/raps called “Move (Keep Walkin’)”

Another heartbreak day, Feels like you’re miles away
Don’t even need no shade, When your sun don’t shine, shine
Too many passin’ dreams, Roll by like limousines
It’s hard to keep believin’, When they pass you by and by
I know your heart been broke again, I know your prayers ain’t been answered yet
I know you’re feeling like you got nothing left,
Well, lift your head, it ain’t over yet, ain’t over yet so
Move, keep walkin’ soldier keep movin’ on,
Move, keep walkin’ until the mornin’ comes
Move, keep walkin’ soldier keep movin’ on
And lift your head, it ain’t over yet, ain’t over yet...

I think it may be in our nature or my nature to feel worn out...defeated...depressed... the tentacles of life and we are then paralyzed. We’re frozen in the cement of chaos and seem to be stuck. It is also our nature, I be released from said shackles. We have to find a way to push start shake loose of these heavy chains...and to regain our journey. May, I suggest something as simple as a pen and paper. Lol...yes is your answer....are you ready...make...a...list! Create a plan...move...move...move!!! At the top of that list is:

1.            Talk to God
2.            Read the Bible
3.            Walk/Run/Crawl...move!
4.            You get the ideal...

The Great Commission of Christ begins with word “Go” Matt. 28:19, 20

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

I heard a long time ago from my dear friend Noel Hill...”if you fail to plan to fail” So let’s make a plan to change the “Go” requires a move on your part...and mine! Move and win...move and find happiness...move and live life more abundantly...and all God’s children said, Amen.

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

For more information on GospelMaxx please visit or call (337) 396-8039.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

It occurs to me...President Trump

It occurs to me that this man, as much as I know, is a sinner saved by grace. Lest we forget, yes, so are we. Imperfect, yet usable by God.

It occurs to me, that the scripture I read and study, is full of imperfect men and women, whom God spite of their sin...past and present...that’s right, past and present.

It occurs to me that today many Christians understand, the power of make a man like Donald Trump “President of the United States of America”.

It occurs to me that today many Christians do not understand the former. For some reason they remain in judgement of anyone who ascends to power, claims Christ as their savior, and has sin in their life...

It occurs to me that too many of us (Christians), feel like it is our duty to publicly decry President Trump...every time he makes a mistake or even mistakes he made years ago...

It occurs to judge the a slap in the face of God. Why?

A. He was created by God

B. Because he is a brother.

Oh, don’t give me that your bible my friend...

It occurs to me that we must denounce sin...period...that is more on point than to try and destroy someone.

It occurs to me that we all need a refresher course in the truth of God’s word as to who our enemy Eph. 6:10-12 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
It occurs to me that we need to pray for President Trump! We need to repent and unify behind the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

It occurs to me the world...yes, not just America, is starving for less criticism and more “Good News”
It occurs to me that most people in the world understand the difference between right and wrong. So does Donald J. Trump...doesn’t always mean they choose the right way.

It occurs to me all of Christendom needs to embrace the teachings of Christ...less judgement...more Compassion! Less hate...more Love! Less division...more Unity!

It occurs to me and with Christ...and with each other... we can make the world a better place...a more positive place.

It occurs to me that...we can change the world...and all God’s Children said Amen!

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With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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Friday, July 6, 2018

Fear is A Liar

Zach Williams is truly one of my favorite Christian artist. One of his songs that haunts me is “Fear is a Liar” For over a decade in my life, I sat on the sidelines afraid that God would never be able to use me. Yes, there was sin in my life. I lived in the fear of judgement. I lived in the fear of weakness. I was convinced I was not good enough...not worthy...I was too dirty to be used by Him. The lyrics to the song go like this...

When he told you you're not good enough
When he told you you're not right
When he told you you're not strong enough
To put up a good fight
When he told you you're not worthy
When he told you you're not loved
When he told you you're not beautiful
That you'll never be enough

Fear, he is a liar
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
Cast your fear in the fire
'Cause fear he is a liar

As it turned out, I was living out of the will of God. You may be going thru the same thing because of past personal failures. I am here to testify today. I was wrong and so are you.

I am reminded of the scripture in 1st John 4 and verse 18 “There is no fear in Love, but perfect Love casts our fear!” I want you to notice how I capitalized Love. In my mind, my heart...that is a direct reference to God. You see if you stand up to that fear...that lie....and call upon the Lord...ask Him for truth, He will reveal to you that fear is a liar! The light casts out the darkness. Then you can be set free. You can live in peace! Notice the line...”He is a liar”. the Devil! He wants you defeated and on the sidelines. I encourage you to resist “the fathers of lies” and get in the game. Let’s make a positive difference in this world today! You see the truth is God loves you...just like you are...and He wants us in the game of life to make a difference. You can be the difference someone needs today! Embrace the Truth and live!!!...and all God’s children said...Amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

What you don’t see

So much of life is what we don’t see. It takes an incredible amount of faith to live this life that we are a part of in the 21st century. It doesn’t matter what season you are in...Whether you’re young or or poor...educated or not. You do not know what will happen next. Our lives are predicated on the past that we’ve experienced, meaning, we believe what’s going to happen next is based on something that has already happened directly or indirectly to us.

I’m sure you’ve seen the picture of the iceberg in the water with only the tip above the water line. It’s an incredible picture that clearly articulates all that we really know about life. What we know is like “the tip of the iceberg”! We often never see what’s below the water’s just an educated guess as to what’s under there. Sometimes it can be so frustrating...just the unknown...the not knowing...the not seeing.

I would suggest to you today we have a better way of knowing...a better way of navigating this life. That way is through a right relationship with God. If I may, He created the Iceberg. So it would be logical that He could help direct us around it. The Bible states it this way... “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known” (1 Cor. 13:12). 

We can clearly have more confidence in the days ahead if we choose Jesus to be the lord of our lives. He is our very present help in this age of darkness. Jesus said this to Thomas... “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me” (John 20:29).  You is about “what you don’t see” in Him means life can be become crystal clear for you...and all God’s children said...Amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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Friday, June 22, 2018

If God could...

One of the greatest stories in the Bible, and if I may add; there are the story we affectionately call “the story of the three Hebrew Children”. By the way, you should read the Bible and open your mind, heart and soul to this and all the incredible Bible stories. These stories are truly another one of Gods greatest gifts to us as they reveal so much of His love and concern. As you dig into the riches of each story, I promise you will discover golden nuggets to hang on to. These nuggets are truly some of my greatest joys. They never leave me...they ride along with me in life’s journey and at various points in my experience, those nuggets bubble to the top and enrich my life.
In this story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, lies one of the greatest discoveries I’ve ever found in the whole of scripture.

We drop into the scene from Daniel Chapter 3 and we find that these three were thrown into a fiery furnace by the King. Their crime was they refused to bow down to the king’s image. This is one of those stories that we know the ones with a happy ending. We find the three are preserved from harm and the king sees four men walking in the flames and “the fourth” was the “son of God”. The Bible says they were removed from the fire and didn’t even smell like smoke. Totally unharmed. Wow! What a story!! As cool as that pun’s not the best part to me.
The most awesome part to this story, to me, happens before they are thrown into the fire...check it out. “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter.

If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up." (Daniel 3:16-18 ESV) Did you catch it...whew! Come on... its right! OK...those three men were so confident in God...they told the makes no matter, whether God chooses to deliver us from the fire or to the fire...we will not bow to your idol. What?? What kind of faith is that? Facing apparently what most people consider the most horrible way to die...they remained unfazed in their commitment and dedication to the one true God.

So many times in my life...I’ve met apparent disaster...and no matter what...I’m always reminded of the stand that those young men took that day. I would like to say, I have that kind of faith...that no matter if God delivers me from the disaster or to the disaster, I will always have complete confidence in Him. I would suggest only a right relationship with God can produce such faith...can produce such a life...can produce such a victory!! If God could guide those three Hebrew children...I promise He will guide you...He is willing to deliver all of us and because of that truth nugget... all God’s children said amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Take a deep breath...

I am concerned! I am distraught! My heart hurts. It is apparent to me that “life”, as we have known it, the value of a human life has no relevant value. I could point out to you the obvious...the senseless abuse and death at the hands of terrorist or thugs or rednecks or the insane or ruthless dictators or pedophiles or serial killers and abortionists...I would go on and on. However, I think you realize my point. It seems a portion of our world does not care about people and the human condition.

I am convinced! I am certain! My heart knows this hurts our creator even more. It is clear from scripture that God our creator is pro-life. He cares about you and me. In fact he cared so much that He gave up His only Son for each and every one of us...yes...every one of us! Yes...everyone one I listed above as a perpetrators of destroying lives is included.

I am clear! I am assured! My heart knows that God must be even more heartbroken! He is concerned over those who choose to circumvent life by taking their own. Suicide is seemingly an accepted way to end one’s life today. Somehow, someway, somewhere, somebody has decided it has become low hanging fruit for those who no longer want to deal with the “pain of life”. My words here today are not meant to judge. They are here to offer help and guidance. May I suggest to anyone who is hurting to this degree that you would consider death by your own hands...please CHOOSE LIFE by your own hands.

Take a deep breath...close your eyes...become present in your moment...and know that your life is important. CHOOSE GOD and say out loud...God, help me through this! He will! He is present with you and you can believe it...because we know He loves life...and by extension He loves you. God will guide you to a safe harbor.  Start in the a right relationship with God and then seek out a church...and then seek a friend in that fellowship...CHOOSE YOU and say out loud...“For I know that my Redeemer lives... - Job 19:25 Despite an excruciating life, where His wife and friends encouraged his downfall...Job persisted in his faith and in the end looked to the Lord for Life! The Bible reads “He is the resurrection and the life” (John 11:17-25) There is truly no greater joy than to CHOOSE LIFE...and all God’s children said Amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

For more information about GospelMaxx please visit or call (337) 396-8039.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Which Way

Many years ago after first becoming a fanatic of Jesus...I, with the help of my life mentor Tim Cooper...purchased my first candy apple red Ford F-150. I’ll never forget that truck and I’ll never forget those first days of being in love with Jesus. One of the symbols of the Jesus movement was the hand pointing heavenward and exclaiming One Way! I purchased a sticker and placed it dead center of my cabs back glass. Yes, I was so cool. Yes, I really believed what that sticker represented. However, I didn’t live like I did.  My actions in public did not reflect my true beliefs!

One of the great truths that Tim Cooper taught me was that believing and living life sometimes are two different things.  Man, if I knew then what I know now...I would have never looked another way for direction. I suspect many of us would say the same thing. You see, what I’ve learned, albeit the hard way, is that Jesus and His teachings are and have been the best way!  They really are the only way.

As I look back with my 20-20 vision, I can see how God placed Tim in my life at pivot points to help point me back to Jesus. Pointing me and encouraging me to follow the guidance of know “the Way”. Many times as I have traveled the hi-ways and byways of this nation and come across the various signs on the road...I am clearly reminded of the best sign I have ever known...One Way Jesus!
With a smile on my face, I realize there is not a day in my life when I am not thankful for my life friend Tim Cooper and his gentle way of turning me again and again so that I would follow the right way. Obviously, even now, I am’s time to give Him a call and express the thanks I have in my heart for his ever present influence.

I am reminded of a favorite passage of scripture that I learned while in fellowship at Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in DeRidder under the pastorate of Bro. Logan Skiles. “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going." Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?" Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:1-6) Truth...He is “the only way” to love, joy, and peace! I suggest you choose Him and live these things...and all God’s children said Amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

God is Calling You

Oh my you remember the awesome bible story of Zaccheus. Now... I do, but I bet it may be for a different reason than you...or than most of you. You see growing up...I began to realize something...I was different than most of my friends. They were very tall, very big and would tower over me. Especially on the basketball court. You might say, I realized I was a wee little man. Or in the current vernacular...I was short. As a matter of fact today I top out at 5’5” and that’s usually on the colder days.

So Zack became one of my instant biblical heroes...mainly because I identified with his problem. As I grew older I realized I really was a lot closer to him than I first thought. You see I was a seeker of truth. I wanted to know this one they called Jesus. Once I met Jesus and repented...I sought to apologize to all those who I cheated or sinned against. This was Zaccheus! He needed salvation from a corrupt system that seemed to fit who he was. We know he was successful in it because the Bible says he was wealthy. Jesus, the savior, was seeking Him out....just like He is seeking you and me.
Zaccheus had no way of knowing that...I’m sure he thought he was seeking Jesus. Scripture tells us however that Jesus chose him from the crowd....remember the little Sunday school song...

Zaccheus was a wee, little man,
And a wee, little man was he.
He climbed up in a sycamore tree,
For the Lord he wanted to see.
And as the Savior came that way,
He looked up in the tree,
And he said,"Zaccheus, you come down from there,"
For I'm going to your house today.
For I'm going to your house today.

Could it be He’s seeking you today....could it be he’s calling you out of the tree of circumstances you’re in...Could be! I love these two verses from the Bible...

“And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." - Luke 19:9-10 Suddenly it occurs to me Zaccheus became a very big man because of his choice to follow Jesus...and so am I...and so can you be...if you choose Jesus...and all God’s children said Amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

For more information about GospelMaxx please visit or call (337) 396-8039.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Taqa is a Hebrew word I learned a long time ago. I was in attendance at a revival at First Baptist Church in DeRidder, Louisiana. Pastor Ken Freeman was preaching and man he was bringing the Word! This was always the way Ken made for a very uncomfortable service. Mainly because what he shared tore at the heart of a compromised Christian life.

That strange little Hebrew word has stuck with me for more than 20 years. Why you ask? The word means to “strike a blow” or “to pledge oneself”. The message was simple yet pointed...pledge oneself to Christ and strike a blow against the world. More to the point the word compelled one to strike a blow against their Devil! As I think about those days, I remember thinking how relevant, how timely, and how important that message was for me and for the world I lived in at the time.

I cannot help but realize that the same truth is very applicable today. As a member of the Church, I think we all need to recommit ourselves to Christ. We need to choose Him as our Lord and Savior. I would venture to say that those of us who have made that choice need to revitalize our commitment to Christ and intentionally strike a blow against the evil one.

God’s Word is not slack concerning this request. In 1 Peter 5:8-10 the instructions are clear and the result comforting. We are to be sober minded, be ever vigilant and to know thy enemy, resist the devil and stay firm in our faith! What’s so comforting is that our God who is so gracious, the One who has anchored our eternity, that same God will strengthen and establish us!

I’m not sure about you, but as for me...I’m convinced the time to strike is today!  Taqa!... say it with me... Taqa! ... and all God’s children said...Amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

He is, He is, He is!

The storm was vicious in its wrath. Time and time again the wind, rain and lightning grew in its intensity as the minutes passed by. We were all concerned, the tornado was close by. Fear gripped our reality even though we knew we were in a sound and safe home. As the night did the storm. As things calmed down, I realized what I should have known all along that God is in control of the storm.

Time and time again the storms of life intensify and we become afraid and weak. It’s then that we must turn to the one who can truly help us in our time of stress and weakness. Some years ago one of the songs that helped me to handle the storms that come through my life with a bitter consistency was simply and powerfully titled “He is”.

 He is, He is, He is... was its purposeful theme. As the artists moved thru the books of the Bible, I quickly was strengthened as I was eloquently reminded of just who He is!

He is the Breath of life in Genesis, the rebuilder of broken walls and lives in Nehemiah and the Timeless Redeemer in Job. The song highlighted the truth of who He is to the follower of Jesus. It used the entirety of the Bible to illustrate all that He is to us.

He is God, Man, Messiah in the Gospels. He is the grace of God in Romans, our mediator in Philemon, and ultimately the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I encourage you my friends to find this song by Aaron and Jeoffrey. Listen to it and meditate on the truths about our Savior. Then remember when the storms of life come through a season in your journey that He is...He is...He is...all you need.

He is the answer to every question, every storm, and every problem you face. The last line of the song goes like this...”and when time is no more...He is!” “and all God’s children said...Amen!”
With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

For more information about GospelMaxx please visit or call (337) 396-8039.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Kool Aid

I don’t know about you, but when I’m finished with a workout, I want a refreshing cool drink. Something to rejuvenate my physical body. There are so many drinks today that fulfill that need. However, when I was growing up...Kool Aid was the drink of choice for me. I loved it...craved it. I would go anywhere that would give me some. One of those places that had some Kool aid was a little mission church called Warren St. They offered it seemingly at every event.

I was invited several times as a kid, but when I was told I would get some cookies and Kool Aid if I would go. I said, “When do the doors open?” I went...and I went and soon after became a member of the mission church. On August 25, 1975...after a mission trip to Dallas, Texas...I gave my life to Jesus. You might say, Bro. Ronnie, that’s awesome! But, do tell...what’s the Kool Aid reference all about?

Kool Aid was a simple tool used by the small local mission church to try and reach out to the kids in the neighborhood. If it had not been for that simple ministry resource, who knows where I would be. May I suggest that we might do well in our modern setting to think outside the box when it comes to reaching our community for Jesus?

The Apostle Paul gave reference in the Bible of our need to think outside the box to reach the world we live in. He said 1 Corinthians 9:22”I have become all things to all people, which by all means I might save some.” There are lost souls that surround us every day! I say to you that that confession alone should compel us to make more Kool Aid. As Paul said in the next verse...”I do it all for the sake of the Gospel...”

I’m thinking....grape flavor...”and all God’s children said....Amen.”

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

For more information on GospelMaxx please visit or call (337) 396-8039.

Friday, May 11, 2018


“Your mission, Ethan, should you choose to accept it...”defeat the enemy” (paraphrase) ...this message will self-destruct in five seconds.” Do you remember that phrase from the hit movies starring Tom Cruise? The series was known as “Mission Impossible”. Those movies, as well as, the hit TV show was full of action and mystery. I really enjoy the whole series. I’m really anxious for the next one to be released this year.

I’m sure there will be no surprises...some rogue government will try to send the world into chaos and Ethan Hunt and his team will come to the rescue. The bad guys will lose and the world, at least for the time being, will be a safe again. Wow, is that not a cool plot...and no doubt with all the special effects it will be a blockbuster!

Do you realize we’re living in the midst of a blockbuster production? The exception we find here is that we’re not sitting down in a theatre to watch an imagined movie from a made up script. No, we are sitting down in the midst of our own lives and the plot is real! We have an enemy...a real enemy who is seeking to destroy us. He is in search of anyone he can destroy! 1 Peter 5:8 indicates that our”...enemy, the devil, is active...ready to attack.” Earlier in the New Testament, in the book of John chapter 10, it is written that our enemy is a thief and “...comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.”

Your mission and mine is to resist the evil one! Your mission and mine is to expose the evil one for what he is, the destroyer of lives! Your mission and mine, should we decide to accept to follow Jesus the Christ! We should be on mission everyday sharing the Good News of Jesus with our world. We have received the tape recorded instruction from God. It is known as the Bible! Matthew 28: 19 gives specific instruction to us...we are to “...Go...make disciples...baptizing...teaching.” We are now on mission...we are indeed the called out ones! You and I are on mission to help guide our neighbor through the fog of Satan’s chaos and with the help of the Holy Spirit lead them to choose Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. So all this begs the question...will you choose to accept the mission! I do! ....and all God’s children said...Amen!

With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

For more information on GospelMaxx please visit or call (337) 396-8039.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Church

I was thinking yesterday about all the things I’ve learned coming home from church. I wanted to write a series of notes related to the main points of the Sunday sermons from the scribbling I took. That is usually what I do...I take notes of every sermon I listen to. Then on the way home my wife Sandy and I, almost without exception, have these great discussions about the truths of the message and how they apply to our lives. We’re either very happy or very sad by the time we get to our lunch.

Here are a few of the last messages that stand out to me.

Thankfulness - We need a thanksgiving list!

·         The Truth from Daniel - Stuff ain’t enough but God is enough
                                         - The truth ain’t easy but it is necessary

·         God has three requirements - they’re simple but not easy...act mercy...walk humbly with your God!

·         Resurrection - the offer is too good! The resurrection was rational, personal, and intentional!

The Word of God is clear as to our approach to scripture...The Apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy a clear encouragement about the Bible. Study he exhorted... be able to understand the scripture correctly. I find the best way for me to follow that direction is to involve myself in the local church. Find a good bible study...a pastor who rightly divides the scripture...a fellowship of believers (church) that practice the whole of scripture.

Let it be said...that it is good for us to go to church! ...and “all God’s children said...Amen!

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With GospelMaxx you can increase member Evangelism, strengthen your online message, establish stronger participation, provide additional revenue for the Church, increase your membership, improve community relationships, and much, much more!

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