Friday, May 11, 2018


“Your mission, Ethan, should you choose to accept it...”defeat the enemy” (paraphrase) ...this message will self-destruct in five seconds.” Do you remember that phrase from the hit movies starring Tom Cruise? The series was known as “Mission Impossible”. Those movies, as well as, the hit TV show was full of action and mystery. I really enjoy the whole series. I’m really anxious for the next one to be released this year.

I’m sure there will be no surprises...some rogue government will try to send the world into chaos and Ethan Hunt and his team will come to the rescue. The bad guys will lose and the world, at least for the time being, will be a safe again. Wow, is that not a cool plot...and no doubt with all the special effects it will be a blockbuster!

Do you realize we’re living in the midst of a blockbuster production? The exception we find here is that we’re not sitting down in a theatre to watch an imagined movie from a made up script. No, we are sitting down in the midst of our own lives and the plot is real! We have an enemy...a real enemy who is seeking to destroy us. He is in search of anyone he can destroy! 1 Peter 5:8 indicates that our”...enemy, the devil, is active...ready to attack.” Earlier in the New Testament, in the book of John chapter 10, it is written that our enemy is a thief and “...comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.”

Your mission and mine is to resist the evil one! Your mission and mine is to expose the evil one for what he is, the destroyer of lives! Your mission and mine, should we decide to accept to follow Jesus the Christ! We should be on mission everyday sharing the Good News of Jesus with our world. We have received the tape recorded instruction from God. It is known as the Bible! Matthew 28: 19 gives specific instruction to us...we are to “...Go...make disciples...baptizing...teaching.” We are now on mission...we are indeed the called out ones! You and I are on mission to help guide our neighbor through the fog of Satan’s chaos and with the help of the Holy Spirit lead them to choose Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. So all this begs the question...will you choose to accept the mission! I do! ....and all God’s children said...Amen!

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