Taqa is a Hebrew word I learned a long time ago. I was in
attendance at a revival at First Baptist Church in DeRidder, Louisiana. Pastor
Ken Freeman was preaching and man he was bringing the Word! This was always the
way Ken preached...it made for a very uncomfortable service. Mainly because
what he shared tore at the heart of a compromised Christian life.
That strange little Hebrew word has stuck with me for more
than 20 years. Why you ask? The word means to “strike a blow” or “to pledge
oneself”. The message was simple yet pointed...pledge oneself to Christ and
strike a blow against the world. More to the point the word compelled one to
strike a blow against their Devil! As I think about those days, I remember
thinking how relevant, how timely, and how important that message was for me
and for the world I lived in at the time.
I cannot help but realize that the same truth is very
applicable today. As a member of the Church, I think we all need to recommit
ourselves to Christ. We need to choose Him as our Lord and Savior. I would
venture to say that those of us who have made that choice need to revitalize
our commitment to Christ and intentionally strike a blow against the evil one.
God’s Word is not slack concerning this request. In 1 Peter
5:8-10 the instructions are clear and the result comforting. We are to be sober
minded, be ever vigilant and to know thy enemy, resist the devil and stay firm
in our faith! What’s so comforting is that our God who is so gracious, the One
who has anchored our eternity, that same God will strengthen and establish us!
I’m not sure about you, but as for me...I’m convinced the
time to strike is today! Taqa!... say it
with me... Taqa! ... and all God’s children said...Amen!
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