Monday, May 14, 2018

Kool Aid

I don’t know about you, but when I’m finished with a workout, I want a refreshing cool drink. Something to rejuvenate my physical body. There are so many drinks today that fulfill that need. However, when I was growing up...Kool Aid was the drink of choice for me. I loved it...craved it. I would go anywhere that would give me some. One of those places that had some Kool aid was a little mission church called Warren St. They offered it seemingly at every event.

I was invited several times as a kid, but when I was told I would get some cookies and Kool Aid if I would go. I said, “When do the doors open?” I went...and I went and soon after became a member of the mission church. On August 25, 1975...after a mission trip to Dallas, Texas...I gave my life to Jesus. You might say, Bro. Ronnie, that’s awesome! But, do tell...what’s the Kool Aid reference all about?

Kool Aid was a simple tool used by the small local mission church to try and reach out to the kids in the neighborhood. If it had not been for that simple ministry resource, who knows where I would be. May I suggest that we might do well in our modern setting to think outside the box when it comes to reaching our community for Jesus?

The Apostle Paul gave reference in the Bible of our need to think outside the box to reach the world we live in. He said 1 Corinthians 9:22”I have become all things to all people, which by all means I might save some.” There are lost souls that surround us every day! I say to you that that confession alone should compel us to make more Kool Aid. As Paul said in the next verse...”I do it all for the sake of the Gospel...”

I’m thinking....grape flavor...”and all God’s children said....Amen.”

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